Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 9: Mission statment

"mission statement is a statement of the organization’s purpose—what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment." (Marketing an Introduction, Armstrong /Kotler, p.39)
  A mission statement is one of the most important descriptions that a company can have. It shows their potential competitors and their consumers what really matters to them as a company as well as what they want to accomplish. A mission statement is what the company wants to achieve, and what it truly believes. Just like there are different kinds of companies there are different kinds of mission statements. Some mission statements are long and some are short. I believe Google has a great mission statement.Google's mission statement isn’t something namby-pamby like “To be the world’s best search engine.” It’s “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” "(Marketing an Introduction, Armstrong /Kotler, p.41  my mission statement of my company would basically every customer has an experience of feeling as if they are in the Incan mountains. if a customer is not 100% happy with our brand we will allow a return.

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